They all wander toward the cave entrance, passing through the room which was formerly full of stirges, but they had all been beaten in previous encounters except two, who stay hidden in a crack in the ceiling to preserve the species. They pass through the room full of fungi, careful to avoid the dangerous violet ones. They pass the two dragonclaws guarding the entrance to the cave, who make no move to stop or question them.
Outside the cave, clusters of cultists and kobolds are still sitting around, digesting their dinner, sipping on ales, relaxing and chatting before returning to their jobs or barracks. The adventurers walk past them casually but briskly, as if they know where they are supposed to be going without question. A kobold looks up at Karat, and she gives him a friendly wave. They pass across the now-empty camp toward the main entrance to the west.
As they approach the main entrance to the camp, they notice that it is guarded by four guard drakes and a cultist. Still trying to look like they know what they are doing, the adventurers turn in a rather wide circle, and head toward the back entrance to the camp instead. Two of the drakes, suspicious, begin to follow them.
As they approach the back entrance, they find it also guarded, in this case by two guard drakes and one cultist. They continue to walk toward it, until they are basically caught between the drakes approaching from behind, and those in front. "Stop!" says the cultist guarding the exit. "Who are you and where are you going?"
Elfo quickly casts a Charm Person spell on all four of the drakes, who remain in their positions, but with a somewhat friendlier disposition.
"We're leaving," says Hooflepoof.
"Nobody's leaving," commands the cultist.
"Anamith told us to move on to the next camp," explains Hooflepoof. The cultist apparently has contradicting information, because he doesn't believe it for a second.
"These are the infiltrators! Get them!" he sharply commands the drakes, but they are charmed, so they don't move. They just look at the cultist with rather dumb expressions as if they can't imagine why they would be attacking their friends. The cultist is confused by the drakes' lack of response. "Hey, can we get some help over here?" he calls out to the others who are seated around near the dinner tables.
"Hey you dumb schmuck," says Hooflepoof, "we're not infiltrators. See, these drakes know us, and the infiltrators are probably wreaking havoc back in the cave, probably stealing or damaging the eggs, and you're here doing nothing!". Then to the drakes who still block the exit, he says "Can you step to the side, friends?" and they move over a little. The adventurers push past the cultist as quickly as they can, and the charmed guards offer no resistance. The cultist calls for more help, but it is too late, the group has already escaped the camp.
They walk quickly, still not running so as not to arouse suspicion, but it is also too late for that. They pick their way down the trail to the flat prairie surrounding the camp's mesa, and looking back, they can see a group of cultists, kobolds, and drakes amassing on the trail, and heading toward them. Fortunately, they have about a 15-minute head start, so they disappear into the scattered brushland before the dragon worshipers can catch up.
There is a well-trodden trail through the prairie grass toward Greenest, especially wide and trampled by the wagons of loot just a few days previous, and although the adventurers head toward Greenest, they avoid the trail, instead moving stealthily through the woods to avoid any encounters. As they approach the town, they decide not to go in, as they could probably be easily found there. Instead they camp out in the woods, far enough away from any trails that it would be really unlikely for them to be found. Still, they keep a watch all night, just in case, but their rest is undisturbed.