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Administrator's Blog

owned by: fritz

Can't Log On? Read This!fritzJan 10, 2008

If you were a user before May 2007, and now you can't log on, it is because your membership data was taken down in the crash.

Nearly all of the information previously contributed (family tree data, blog entries, photos, etc.) is still intact, but we need to reunite your identity with your belongings.

I know who you all are, but I have no way to contact you. So if you can contact me here, let me know who you are and what your previous logon identity was (if you remember; if not, I can offer some guesses), we can get you all hooked up and back on track.

If you try to "Join" with your old username, you will be rejected because "that username is already taken". That's because your username is reserved, so someone else doesn't take it. Don't join with a new username, just contact me (here) and I'll hook you back up with your old one.

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