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George Capell Memorial
Source/AuthorDennis Capell
DateApril 5, 2003
SummaryMemorial to George Capell by his son Dennis, presented at George's funeral.
George Capell Memorial by his son Dennis

George Fredrick Capell was my father. My brothers Fred, Ed and I enjoyed a wonderful family life while growing up. I can remember receiving ridicule from school friends because my parents took such a keen interest in their boys. When at scout camp, while other parents happily waved good-bye for the week, we could expect daily packages from our parents telling us how much we were missed. My wife, Sharon, reminded me that it impressed her on birthdays and special occasions, where gifts were appropriate, many times we would receive identical gifts. She also remembers my parents always sitting together in the car and expressed the desire to always do the same. What ever happened to bench seats in automobiles? Our family was very special!

I give my father credit for a lot of what I am to today. I give my father the credit for helping me with one of the most important decisions of my life. It was nearing Valentines Day in 1961. I was struggling with what Valentines gift I could get Sharon Dungan, a girl that I had become very fond of. I don't remember specifically asking Dad for suggestions but I do remember clearly his suggesting "off-hand" 'Why don't you buy her an egagement ring'. My youth and immaturity and doubts were uplifted by my father's wise and kind concern. His interest in me guided me into a life with my wife, Sharon, and for that I will always be grateful.

My father was a gentleman. I can't remember ever hearing him say anything bad about anyone. I can remember, as a high schooler going with him, after school, on sales calls for Eastman Kodak. He was always greeted with enthusiasm and I was treated like I was the son of someone very important. I remember Dad saying that there were some people that he didn't care much for but that they never knew. I saw my father as a peacemaker!

I grew up respecting my father. The feelings that we shared never changed even though we lived thousands of miles appart. I knew that Dad appreciated and respected and enjoyed his New Zealand family. As I sit here, amoungst the forest aspect that is part of our life, I'm glad that Dad had the opportunity to visit this place. I know he thought it a bit "pioneer like" but also I know he enjoyed our time together. We tramped through the forest crossing several times, the creek that divides our property, jumping from rock to rock. That, of course, was a few years ago but the enthusiasm on his face at the end of the day was memorable.

I think I knew my dad as well as any son. He was firstly my father and also my friend. That's the relationship that I believe that God wants for each and every one of us. It certainly helps to have a father that has shown that kind of example.

I once heard it said that the success of a man is not measured by what he owns or what he earns but by the testamony of his children. There was never a time where communications with my Dad were strained. This made it possible for us to freely appreciate and express this to one another.

I love my Dad! I'm sorry to lose Dad on this side of eternity. However, his input into my life lives on through me as well as my children and grandchildren. I have no doubt about the sovereignty of God and I trust implicitly in God's grace being sufficient for eternity.

I loved my Dad!
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