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Dungeons and Dragons

owned by: fritz

Mar 26, 2024fritzMar 26, 2024

The returning group can sense the tension around the campfire, and they stay well away, hiding in the woods. Elbolin, still wearing the Cloak of Invisibility, sneaks up to Hooflepoof, cowering in his sleeping bag, and whispers to him, "what's going on?"

"These guys are looking for a Tabaxi, they think it might be Black Barry. Remember that reward poster we saw before? Somebody is offering 600 gold pieces for him, dead or alive."

"Yikes" says Elbolin. He sneaks back to Elfo, Karat, and Barry, who remain hidden in the bushes, and tells them what the strangers are seeking. Karat suggests that Elfo create a distraction, using one of his cantrips, so that Karat can go talk to Leosin and the strangers, though he isn't really sure what he is going to say.


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