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Dungeons and Dragons

owned by: fritz

Jul 28, 2021fritzJul 28, 2021

Bilbo, Elfo, Nars, and Gourbain find their way into the drake nursery, where three immature drakes are now scavenging on the bodies of more than a dozen dead kobolds, whom Hooflepoof killed earlier. Elfo throws a Fireball at the drakes, which kills one and severely injures another, and the others continue the attack. One of the other drakes is killed, and the last one scampers away into the darkness of the pit.

Bilbo ventures down there, but in the darkness, cannot find the last drake, so returns to the relative safety above. Elfo goes down next, and with his darkvision, is able to find the drake hiding in the shadows. Though he also takes minor injuries, he kills the last drake.

Elbolin, Black Barry (who is still invisible), Hooflepoof, and Karat consider what to do. They're certainly interested in this remaining egg, and the two drakes guarding it do not seem too intimidating, but they are pretty sure there is still a roper down there, and those guys are fierce. They decide to go see if they can find the rest of the group; perhaps with a larger force they have a better chance against him.

They wander back into the shrine room. The only two exits are the passage to the north and a steep upward chute to the west, which would be difficult to climb, so they take the passage to the north, ending up in the kobolds' barracks. Hooflepoof explains that he already searched this room, and there is nothing here, so they continue up the stairs to the drake nursery, where they encounter the rest of their group. Together again at last!


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