Outside the cave, various groups of cultists and kobolds sit around consuming their meals. A few more filter in, casually serving themselves up and joining the other groups. Bilbo finishes her meal, and without saying anything, gets up and starts to walk toward the cave. Elfo, Nars, and Gourbain aren't quite finished with their food, but they drop their plates as inconspicuously as possible and follow.
Elfo catches up with Bilbo and asks where she is going. She says she's going back to the storage room to meet up with Leosin. They pass the two dragonclaws still guarding the cave entrance, but by this point they let them pass with just a familiar nod.
They fumble their way through the darkness to the storage room (taking a sharp right at the end of the entrance cavern, and then a right in the passage). Bilbo can't see in the dark, but Elfo reports that he doesn't see anything. But of course, Leosin has Hooflepoof's Cloak of Invisibility, so he could still be here.
"Leosin," whispers Bilbo, "are you here?". There is no answer. Elfo prepares for an ambush, and whispers to Nars that he should do the same.
Hooflepoof, Karat, Elbolin, and Black Barry survive the Lightning Breath and decide to attack Anamith directly. Reddy jumps down to distract her. Elbolin lands a blow and hides, up the passage back in the shrine room. Karat casts an Inflict Wounds on Anamith, which does significant damage. Fortunately it takes a while before a half-dragon can use Lightning Breath again, and the adventurers spread out on both sides to make it difficult for her to hit them all. Even with just her greatsword, Anamith does significant damage to Black Barry, Hooflepoof, and Karat, to the point where Karat has to use a Prayer of Healing to rejuvenate them all. Elbolin lands another blow, and Anamith is down to her last breaths when she unleashes another Lightning Breath in the direction of Hooflepoof and Karat. Hooflepoof manages to jump out of the way and avoid much damage, but Karat takes a direct hit at close range. |