The rest of the kobolds, caught out in the clearing, are killed fairly quickly. The cultists grab their weapons from where they are stashed against a rock, and also try to scatter and find good hiding places, but soon they are also bested. Karat and Elbolin gang up on the last one and wrestle him to the ground to see if they can get any information out of him. It is not easy to get him to talk.
When asked about the location of the raiders' camp, the cultist says "you're almost there, but that doesn't mean that you'll get there, Praise Be To Tiamat" which under pressure he reveals to mean that the raiders would usually leave a rearguard in case they are followed, which would be well-armed and prepared for a battle. He says that the trail leads to the camp, though the rearguard is likely guarding the trail not too far ahead. The raiders' leaders, he reveals, are Rezmir, Frulam Mondath, and Langdedrosa Cyanwrath - or, no, wait, he was killed in battle last night, so there is probably somebody else taking his place. Bilbo asks him if there is a secret password for getting into the camp, and he says there isn't, and even if there was, he wouldn't tell them. He starts to act like he's said too much already, and refuses to tell them anything further, so they kill him.
The adventurers then search all the bodies. The cultists don't have any treasure, but the kobolds apparently helped themselves to a little of the Greenest loot and buried it deep in their knapsacks. Elfo finds a couple of pewter candlesticks, Elbolin some silver serving dishes, and Karat some small religious carvings bearing symbols of Chauntea. Elbolin also finds 28 silver pieces in the pocket of one of the cultists. Among themselves, they discuss whether to return the ill-gotten gains to the people of Greenest, but that is a decision they don't need to make just now.
Hooflepoof dons his Cloak of Invisibility and sneaks ahead to see about this rearguard. Indeed, he finds them just a mile or so ahead on the trail, in an area where the trail winds through a gap between two cliffs. If he didn't know to expect them, he might not have seen them, because they are hidden in the rocks on both sides of the trail, 12 to 15 feet above ground level. He has to sneak close in order to get a better look. They have gathered a number of medium-sized round boulders, as if ready to roll them down on whoever passes on the trail. They are well-armed and attentive. He counts one guard, six cultists, and two acolytes that he can see, but he isn't sure that he can see all of them.
Thinking that perhaps they may want to find a way around the rearguard instead of confronting them, he also explores the area. The trail rises in the gap, to what appears to be a plateau. On either side of the trail are steep cliffs, which could probably be climbed with the aid of ropes and pitons, though there is no cover so they would easily be seen on the cliff faces, and there is no way that ponies or dogs could ascend there. He skirts around a little ways on each side, and no easier route is apparent, although he doesn't search too far because his friends are awaiting his report. He returns to the group and they discuss whether to fight the rearguard, or to look for another way around. |