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Dungeons and Dragons

owned by: fritz

Jan 19, 2021fritzJan 19, 2021

As the battle continues, Nars looks to Elfo for guidance, and Elfo signals for him to stay out of the battle, since he has significant injuries already. Recognizing that not only Nars, but also Black Barry and Gourbain are running pretty low of energy, Karat uses a Prayer of Healing on those three, and also Hooflepoof, Elfo, and Elbolin.

Several of the guards break free from the battle and corner Black Barry, throwing him to the ground and tying him up. But before they can do anything with him, Karat and Elbolin come to his aid. Ultimately the adventurers manage to wipe out all the remaining guards, and Karat unties Black Barry. They begin looking around the area; Elbolin searches the mill, finding nothing of particular interest - there are bags of grain and flour on the lower floor, and even more bags of flour stored on the upper floor, but he pats and pokes them, and there doesn't seem to be anything there except grain and flour.

They set about searching the bodies of the cultists and guards. Most of them have nothing except their weapons, which they pile up outside the mill. Karat takes 8 spears, Bilbo takes 12, and the remainder, they plan to take back to the keep to help the villagers defend it.

In the pocket of one of the guards, Black Barry finds a copper ring with some distinctive marks. Elfo examines it, with his knowledge of arcana, and recognizes it as a Ring of the Giantslayer, which gives advantages in battle against large creatures. Elbolin also finds a folder piece of paper, and unfolding it, reveals a badly drawn picture of a catlike creature, offering a reward of 25 GP.

The adventurers rebuild the fire and finish their meals. Shortly, a ragged band of villagers arrive to take over defense of the mill. They are offered the pile of weapons, and they take a couple, but for the most part they are already equipped. The rest of the weapons are gathered up, and the adventurers make their way back along the riverbank, without any encounters, and then wade back across the river and through the tunnel to the keep. Escobert is very happy to have the extra weapons, and informs them that Nighthill is still up on the parapet.

The group climbs up to the parapet to check with Nighthill. He has been watching the attack from up there, but is frustrated that they are so outnumbered all he can do is watch his city burn. He tells the adventurers that he is still quite concerned about the villagers trapped in the temple.


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