Having gotten all the information from the cultist that she could, Karat sets the cultist free, first taking his cultist uniform, leaving him to run off in his underwear. Black Barry, Hooflepoof, Bilbo, and Karat now have cultist uniforms. Hooflepoof puts his cultist uniform on, under his cloak of invisibilty.
Linan at this point has moved her family to the east and continues undaunted toward the keep. The group rushes to catch up with her, and they move with her just a block or so before encountering six cultists carrying loot back toward the carts on the northwest end of town. The cultists are taken by surprise, not expecting any resistance to their task, and the adventurers engage them immediately. Most of the cultists set down their loot boxes to engage in the fight. Hooflepoof, being invisible, immediately starts raiding their loot, and piling it in his own pile off to one side. After a few of the cultists are killed, they start to realize that they will lose this battle, and attempt to recover their goods and run away with them, but the adventurers continue to attack and ultimately all the cultists are decimated.
Black Barry opens one box of loot and find a set of silver teaware that is probably worth a few GP, so he sticks it in his pack. Elbolin also opens a box, and finds another box, which is carved with some religious-appearing symbols, but seems of common origin; it looks like something you might buy at the town market for a few coppers. He opens that box up, and finds a pair of golden earrings. Elbolin keeps the earrings, but isn't interested in the box, so he starts to discard it, but Hooflepoof decides to take it, and puts it in his Bag of Holding.
The rest of the group salvages the uniforms from the remaining cultists; now they have enough for everyone, including Nars, should they decide to disguise themselves.
Hooflepoof opens the other four loot boxes. In one box, he finds an interestingly stitched green kimono that looks very comfortable for nightwear. In another, there is a potion, but its label is washed off. In another, there is a bag that looks similar to a bag of holding, but has a noticeable odor. The last box appears to be empty. |