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Bugs and Features

owned by: fritz

The place to report bugs or errors that you find in the site software, and see their status.

Blog Message Editing EnabledfritzDec 5, 2005

You can now edit messages after you have posted them to a blog, if the owner of the blog allows it. You also need to be the original poster of the message. If all the planets are aligned for you to edit, you'll see a small 'edit' link on the right hand side of the page, in the message header.

State of the Blogging FeaturesfritzOct 20, 2005

The blogging features are not yet fully implemented, but they are, in theory, enough to be useful and fun.

You can create your own blog and view blogs and post to blogs, and that seems to be all solid. The rules about who can view what, and who can post to what, are all complete and implemented, so if you see any troubles with that please let me know.

What doesn't work: Forum-style blogs, where you can reply to messages, are not yet implemented. There is currently no way to reply to messages, and no reasonable way to view replies even if they were posted. There is no way to edit blog entries once they are posted, nor any way to post photos or other files with your blog entries. There is also currently no way for the administrator of a blog to delete posts.

Other planned enhancements: Choosing the colors and background of your blog, and "connecting" to other resources such as people in the family tree.

If there are other bugs that aren't mentioned here, or other features that you'd like, please post them in this blog.

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