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Joining up will allow you to contribute to the site. Add your own family tree, run your own blogs, interact with the capell community!

Membership is open to anyone with genuine interest, and it's free. But we do get a lot of applications from people or robots who just want to mess things up. So all applications are reviewed by the webmaster before you are granted any destructive powers.

Personal Information
User Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Why are you interested?
All fields are required for membership.

User Name is a unique single word which will identify you on the site, for example, "fritz". Your first name or nickname will do just fine. You don't need to make it complicated or add a lot of numbers to it. Please do not use your email address.

Please do not sign up as "jack-and-jill", even if you are married and/or conjoined twins. There's no shortage, just get two memberships.

Email Address is critical. It is where we will send your password. Get it wrong, and there's nothing we can do. We will never share it with anyone.

Location: We just like to know where people are in the world! A country and/or region would be delightful.

Why? Please tell us what interests you about the site, how you connect to capell heritage, or just something about who you are.

Note: Email addresses are never displayed on
They are used strictly for administrative purposes, and never given away or sold.